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vl5310x 激光传感器

ID:183944 发表于 2017-3-27 21:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
程序/* This example shows how to get single-shot range
measurements from the VL53L0X. The sensor can optionally be
configured with different ranging profiles, as described in
the VL53L0X API user manual, to get better performance for
a certain application. This code is based on the four
"SingleRanging" examples in the VL53L0X API.

The range readings are in units of mm. */

#include <Wire.h>
#include <VL53L0X.h>

VL53L0X sensor;

// Uncomment this line to use long range mode. This
// increases the sensitivity of the sensor and extends its
// potential range, but increases the likelihood of getting
// an inaccurate reading because of reflections from objects
// other than the intended target. It works best in dark
// conditions.

//#define LONG_RANGE

// Uncomment ONE of these two lines to get
// - higher speed at the cost of lower accuracy OR
// - higher accuracy at the cost of lower speed

//#define HIGH_SPEED

void setup()


#if defined LONG_RANGE
  // lower the return signal rate limit (default is 0.25 MCPS)
  // increase laser pulse periods (defaults are 14 and 10 PCLKs)
  sensor.setVcselPulsePeriod(VL53L0X::VcselPeriodPreRange, 18);
  sensor.setVcselPulsePeriod(VL53L0X::VcselPeriodFinalRange, 14);

#if defined HIGH_SPEED
  // reduce timing budget to 20 ms (default is about 33 ms)
#elif defined HIGH_ACCURACY
  // increase timing budget to 200 ms

void loop()
  if (sensor.timeoutOccurred()) { Serial.print(" TIMEOUT"); }



使用道具 举报

ID:216250 发表于 2017-7-1 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ChristinaAPI 于 2017-7-1 03:19 编辑

Can we see what your .h files you're using look like?

#include <wire.h>
#include <VL53L0X.h>
Nevermind I think I found the sample you mentioned here: https://github.com/pololu/vl53l0x-arduino
Thank you so much for this post it really helped out alot !!


参与人数 1黑币 +100 收起 理由
admin + 100 共享资料的黑币奖励!



使用道具 举报

ID:1 发表于 2017-7-1 03:27 | 显示全部楼层
ChristinaAPI 发表于 2017-7-1 00:28
Can we see what your .h files you're using look like?


And thanks to American friends, too

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